For Startups

Web side of startups needs fast scalable decisions. Pipica provides client side shell to create startup zone, including chats, discuss forums, crowd coding, etc.

For Business

If You have a seniour business, You should think on scalability, admin boards, and inner (Data Level Substrate) structure of Your business on web. Desktop is a good solution for making settings panels, admin and dashboards, stats, etc. over Your business. Think on it!

For Coders

If You sell web apps, sites, games. Usually the customers need some tools to control their apps at fly. Why not to use Desktop for this needs?

For Site Holders

Administration of any site is a hard routine. And lot of time is spend for creation of admin control boards. But with Pipica You can make admin shell (client side) in minutes.


Pipica is used in many sectors of web life. And making Desktop more cute is profitable. Think on it!

OS Developers & Education

Pipica can be a useful open source script for all people who want to make their own Desktops (on web or in real world). In educations this means that every IT teacher can use this project as study material.